If you enjoy watching a good thriller and enjoy the game of poker, then Deadly Gamblemay be a good fit for you. Deadly Gamble is an independent film produced, written, and directed by New Jersey native Mario Cerrito and brings the story of a degenerate gambler who loses his job and thinks he can play poker for a living and be able to sustain his current lifestyle.

The movie focuses on Andrew and Heather, who are played by Bernard Glincosky, owner of the Philadelphia Acting Studio, and Lyssa Roberts, respectively. The newlywed couple is affected by Andrew’s gambling, which puts their lives at risk.

Cerrito told PocketFives about the motivation behind making this film: “I had a friend who was a degenerate and got tied up with the mafia. That sparked the idea for me. I’ve also always been a storyteller and had a dream to have my ideas appreciated and seen by a big audience.” Cerrito, also a poker player for the past 10 years, said, “I love the game and I want to make more movies based off of poker.”

Also with a role in the movie, both as an executive producer and appearing in some scenes, was PocketFiver Anthony Eatahoagie Cicali, who went on to say, “There are scenes that most poker players can relate too and will really hit home.” When sharing his thoughts on the movie, Cicali expressed, “For the product he turned out on the budget he had, I think a lot of people are going to take notice and say, ‘This guy gets the job done.'”

People can find the movie on demand via Comcast Xfinity, Verizon, Dish, and Cox starting on March 24.

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