The strategy you should employ in Open Face Chinese Poker is based on the scoring system you are using. Because flushes are overvalued compared to straights, you see players going for them much more often. While this valuation seems intuitive to most, the value of a scoop compared to the value of winning only 2 out of 3 lines is often overlooked. You can play OFC using this mobile app.

Since a scoop is worth 6 points and winning 2 out of 3 only nets you 1 point, then the value of a scoop over a simple win is 5 points, more than the bonus for making a flush royalty (4 points). There are a few immediate implications of this. First, be aware of the value of a scoop and the value of avoiding getting scooped. Many times, there is nothing you can do and winning 2 out of 3 is the best you can do, but there are situations where you can take on a little more risk and give yourself a chance at scooping.

The most common example of giving up on a scoop I’ve seen is when a player has a royalty on the bottom and does absolutely everything they can to make sure they don’t foul. I’ve seen a couple of situations where a card bigger than a jack up top would give them a shot at scooping. As long as they didn’t pair one of the other 2 cards up there, they couldn’t foul; if they did pair up top, they could still make a bigger pair in the middle to not foul.

With a couple of the pair up top outs already showing, you can end up killing a shot at scooping to avoid a 1- or 2-outer that might not kill your hand even if it hits. Going to this extreme to protect a flush royalty worth only 4 points is a mistake.

On the other side, if you determine early on that your opponent has the best hand and isn’t likely to foul, then it is time to focus on their weakest line and do what you can to beat them there and avoid the scoop. This can save you 5 points and make a drastic difference on the tally sheet.

Also, since a flush royalty is only worth 4 points, you can make the strategic decision to give up on trying to make a flush and start making pairs early on in a hand if you think that gives you a shot at scooping. The 6 points for a scoop are better than the 1+4 you get for winning 2 out of 3 lines plus a flush royalty.

Obviously, the 6+4 for a scoop and a flush is the best alternative, but it leaves you exposed with 4 flush cards on the bottom. Drawing to complete means you have a no pair hand on the bottom that is very likely to be foul-prone or scoop-prone.

Pay attention to your opponent’s hand and capitalize on the key areas to make sure you are the one scooping when you have strong hands and that when they are working with the best cards, they are only beating you out of a point at a time.

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Court Harrington has worked on the business side of the poker industry in roles including tournament reporting for PocketFives, radio hosting for PokerRoad Radio, coaching for the WSOP Academy and privately, and a variety of behind-the-scenes responsibilities for poker media businesses. He also plays in cash games and tournaments. Harrington is currently doing consulting work and exploring business opportunities outside of the poker industry. You can contact him at