Been working on a new site, and the dailypokerlist thing is still not up but at least people have stopped emailing me with questions about it, I'll get it up soon.

Thanks to everyone who emailed me after the Beanie and Annie blog, the response was incredible. I have had a little over 50 people email me about that blog so I guess it caught some people's attention.

To clear a few things up about the Beanie and Annie thing…

1. I still love T.J.'s book and I believe that is a great player. He's actually the guy I root for when poker happens to be on T.V.

2. The Annie Duke article and what I learned from it are a bit counterintuitive I know. What she used to defeat them was not what I learned from. It was what that said about how they liked to play. I changed my style ever so slightly in the direction of being more like them, not more like the style Annie used to defeat them.

3. I think Harringotn on Hold Em is great, and it was helpful with my little style change, but I don't think it's the only thing you need to win big tournaments these days.

4. The adjustment I made was minor and only applies if you are playing $50 or higher buy in tournaments (in my opinion).

5. I did not write the entire article to try to get a date with Annie Duke. I highly doubt that she spends alot of time reading my blog, and I am sure she isn't looking for a middle of the road pro who lives in Minnesota. I have a girlfriend who makes me very happy. If she dumps me however, I will write a much more flattering article in an attempt to get a date with Annie.

6. I did not write the entire article in an attempt to get a date with Beanie. I could get a date with Beanie any time I want, and I do not need to result to flattery for that. Beanie spent alot of time talking to me the night we met at the bar and it was very helpful. No sex was involved. Not even oral.

Also I got an email from a guy named Thomas who wanted to know why I hated Annie Duke and thought she was a bad player. Nobody give Thomas any gum, he'll have it in his hair before you know it and his mom will have to cut out big chunks of hair again and he'll look silly. It still amazes me how stupid people are.

Been whooping up on the $50 and $100 SNG's at Stars when I've had time to play, which hasn't been much. If you happen to see a magazine on newsstands called "Deal" pick it up and let me know. I have an article in it but I have no idea where to get the thing or when it's actually coming out.

See you at the final table, Fox