Proper ergonomics is vitally important to someone like myself who has an overuse injury from the computer, but that is certainly not reason alone to get the casual player to take ergonomics seriously. Most casual players without an existing ergonomics issue will ignore these techniques as they feel they don't apply to them, I beg to differ. This article will attempt to prove to you, the seemingly unaffected player, that proper ergonomics is positive EV in the long run. Think of it as the same thing as folding a relatively strong hand versus an opponent’s tight range, not calling-off a big percentage of your chips as a huge underdog, working out before a session, or eating well, among other examples. I will hopefully convince you that proper ergonomics can actually EARN you money in the long run.
Consider when you start a session how alert and fresh your vital signs are. At times when your brain is locked in and your body is feeling great, your reaction times are quick and your reads are intelligent and not compulsive. This is the optimal physical condition to be in. As your session wears on, usually without you knowing, you begin to slump a bit in your chair, that mouse doesn’t move as quickly, and the tables begin to blur together as your eyes start to burn and strain. These symptoms normally occur in a snowball fashion; meaning they slowly build on each other and creep into the picture, unlike stubbing your toe (which is very obvious), these symptoms are hard to notice due to their slow on-coming nature.

These symptoms are the silent EV killers to your poker game. You don't realize they are affecting you as much as they are. It’s funny, many times players type in the chat “I’m tired” or “this tournament is long,” something along the lines of begging out for a break or change in setup. This is such a tell that the player is generally not playing his/her “A” game and is several stages into the fatigue cycle. The player may be sub-consciously looking for a way to bust out of the tournament and to go do something else. This is especially relevant for online cash games, as you can just close the window and do something else with no shame from the live interaction of other players.

Any of these ergonomic fatigue factors are costing you money and EV because you are no longer in optimal physical playing shape. You can read from many successful players how much they stress the importance of working out and exercising prior to a successful session, this goes along the same lines. I truly believe this is why many cash game players do very well playing short, focused sessions. Now everyone is different, so the short session rule isn’t set in stone but consider that you are not usually aware of these physical breakdowns during the game.

Consider this quote from Phil OMGClayAiken Galfond (pictured):

"I think one of my best attributes as a player is my self-awareness. I believe (like everyone else does… but they are wrong) that my assessment of my own game and mental state at all times is fairly accurate."

This quote talks about knowing your own mindset and begin honest about it to improve your game. I want to take this also to say that you need to have an accurate assessment of your physical state as well. Clearly here Phil is saying that a major flaw in many players’ game is not knowing and being forthright about when they aren’t playing their “A” game. Everyone knows about the obvious sources of tilt such as relationship issues, chasing losses, taking a bad beat. However, one that often goes undiagnosed is pain associated with prolonged use and overall computer discomfort.
This not only means when your hand hurts or neck is cramping. This includes when you have been using the same mouse for three hours or haven’t taken a break in five hours and your eyes start burning. Again, I stress how these symptoms will creep up on you, especially if you don't have an obvious ergonomics issue. It is up to you, as Phil says, to assess your own physical as well as mental state at all times, and make an honest assessment in order to make self-awareness one of your best attributes as a player. Ignoring these physical factors will cost you money… no doubt about it.

Now is where I will give you specific examples to convince you that taking precautions with ergonomics can extend your optimal playing level significantly:

Having correct posture and using a high back chair with lumbar support will make you money in the long run.

Changing your mouse every couple of hours to give your hand and arm a different angle of attack will make you money in the long run.

Using Hands Free Poker or Auto Hot Keys (AHK scripts) to supplement the regular mouse and keyboard and minimize overuse will extend your physical prime during a session and make you money in the long run.

Just like the great Phil Galfond said, “Honest reflection and understanding of your current state is [my]biggest edge.” Practice good ergonomics, as outlined in my Ergonomics and Online Poker article from June of last year. This will keep you in an optimal state of physical form. Otherwise, that pain in your wrist, stinging eyes, sloppy posture, or cramped neck, will cost you EV in your poker game and dollars in your account.